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If you travel any hill station , if there is any natural calamity or heavy snow fall use faced & if your trip is cancel , in that case , there is no refund policy will be applicable.
Whenever you feel unsatisfied with any service Travel India Tours has provided, please inform your local tour guide or your travel consultant immediately to avoid similar problems either before or during your trip. If you want to complain or claim for compensation, you must inform us by email, regular mail, or fax in writing within 15 days upon your tour is finished. Please attach relevant receipts and substantiating evidence to the letter of claim.
A passport valid for no less than 6 months is required to travel to all countries in our program. Responsibility for documentation accuracy, passport validity and dispatch of documents rests with you. Travel India Tours accepts no responsibility for any failure in this respect. You must clearly provide your full name on passport; otherwise we are not liable for any delays, transport failure. Also, travel insurance purchased in advance is strongly suggested for your own sake.
You must advise us in writing, at or prior to booking, of any physical, emotional or mental condition which may require professional attention during the trip or the use of special equipment. You must provide your own small, collapsible wheelchair if it is a necessity through your journey, please note not all of our trips are wheelchair-accessible. Besides, we cannot guarantee any wheelchair assistance or accessibility in international destinations. Travel India Tours reserves the right to decline any trip participant whose condition, in our opinion, may affect the health, safety or enjoyment of other participants. We cannot accommodate women who are 6 month or longer pregnant. You should take into account all international travel risks and health requirements applicable to the areas you intend to visit. You are solely responsible for checking the governmental safety and security conditions, vaccination, and other health requirements in countries you are going to visit or transit.
Travel India Tours will carry out tour services after making sure you are properly insured. It is required that you should purchase proper travel insurances before leaving your home country to cover a wide range of unexpected loss and damages. Disputes: In case customer denies to pay the desired amount for availed/un-availed services due to his fault or any external factors , we have full authority to terminate the services immediately without any prior notice (even if he/she on tour) and file a case in jurisdiction court of Delhi. Customer must persistently report at the court of jurisdiction. (Note: The language to be used during the case will be English).
Travel India Tours strongly believes in protecting the privacy of consumers of its services and products. Providing a secure environment for consumers, we do not divulge any information about you to any outside company without your prior consent.
Personal information provided by you while registering with us is only a mandatory submission that you are required to make as a user. We do not disclose any information provided by you such as your name, address, telephone number or e-mail id, to any outside companies.
However, we at khatushyamesolutions.com do not undertake any responsibility for any breach of contract or invasion of privacy by any third party website that is linked with khatushyamesolutions.com.